blennorrhea, gonorrhea

Term: blennorrhea, gonorrhea
blenno+rrhea, gono+rrhea

Origin: Anc Greek

γόνος/gonos(=offspring)> γενεά/ genea(=generation)
because initially mucus discharge was mistaken for semen

The term gonorrhea was coined by Galen in the second century AD meaning "flow of semen". The term blennorrhagia and blennorrhea for acute and chronic gonorrhea, respectively were coined in 1815 by Francois Swediaur (1748-1824) although he postulated that the “seminal matter” could move (metastasis) to remote organs as eyes, due to diminished urethral excretion.
Blennorrhea or gonorrhea is an excessive mucus discharge, especially from the urethra or agina caused by sexually transmitted bacteria, gonococci –Neisseria ghonorrhoeae. When left untreated, it can cause serious disturbances to the body as male or female sterility and infection of body organs as heart.

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