
Term: hyperhidrosis

Literally meaning: “excess sweating”

Origin: Anc Greek
υπέρ-/hyper-(= prefix meaning something is excessive, above normal)
+ύδωρ/ hidor (=νερό)
-οσις/-osis (=suffix meaning “condition” or “state”)

Maillard et al coined the term “primary extensive hyperhidrosis” for those patients with at least three sites of excessive sweating, including both “typical” (hands and feet) and “unusual” sites (trunk and groin)
Maillard H, Fenot M, Bara C, Célérier P. Therapeutic value of moderate-dose oxybutynin in extensive hyperhidrosis. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2011;138(10):652–6.

Hyperhidrosis is the condition  which is characterized by excess sweating caused by an other medical condition (secondary generalized)  or  run in families without any obvious cause (primary focal). The most common sites of primary hyperhidrosis are the palms of the hands, axillae, palms of the hands, soles of the feet and cranio-facial region;

1 comment:

  1. This article has some vast and valuable information about this subject.Gary
