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Term: genome
Origin: Anc Greek
γενεά/ genea(=generation) <  γεννώ/geno (=give birth to)
 In 1920 by German botanist Hans Winkler (1877 -1945)  defined “genome” as “for the haploid chromosome set”  in his  his book Verbreitung und Ursache der Parthenogenesis im Pflanzen-und Tierreiche, (Verlag Fischer, Jena). Winkler wrote:

As a botanist, Winkler must have been familiar with a host of -ome words like rhizome (the entire root system) or  phyllome (the sum of leaves); all of which predated 1920. They share in common, the concept of -ome signifying the collectivity of the units in the stem.
The entire genetic material of eukaryotes contained in a haploid set of chromosomes
Joshua Lederberg and Alexa T. McCray  'Ome Sweet 'Omics, A Genealogical Treasury of Words"The Scientist 15[7]:8, April 2, 2001.

Ich schlage vor, für den haploiden Chromosomensatz, der im Verein mit dem zugehörigen Protoplasma die materielle Grundlage der systematischen Einheit darstellt den Ausdruck: das Genom zu verwenden
("I propose the expression Genom for the haploid chromosome set, which, together with the pertinent protoplasm, specifies the material foundations of the species).

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